

High-Throughput Approach to Imaging and Sorting of 3D Cell Cultures and Small Model Organisms

Presenter: Deborah Ruth Frenkel, PhD

Insights from the Worm: When Individuality in Aging Arises?

Presenter: Daphne Bazopoulou, PhD

High-Throughput Imaging and Sorting of Organoids, Spheroids and Cell Clusters

Presenter: Mikalai Malinouski, PhD

High Throughput Optical Projection Tomography of Zebrafish Larvae using the VAST BioImager

Presenter: Yongwoon Kim

Large Particle FACs Enables High Quality Single-cell RNA-seq of Adult Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle

Presenter: Suraj Kannan, Kwon Lab, Johns Hopkins University

Flow cytometry for plant biology: automation, high throughput analysis and sorting.

Presenter: Rock Pulak, PhD

Abstract: Learn how flow cytometry can be used with various kinds of plant samples, such as pollen, certain small seeds, delicate plant protoplasts, and calli. Union Biometrica’s large particle flow cytometers can analyze and dispense, providing a method to automate some of the more tedious tasks in setting up experiments, sorting out rare events, and analyzing samples made up of large collections of objects.