Applications & Publications
Identification and Characterisation of a pH-stable GFP
Tania M. Roberts, Fabian Rudolf, Andreas Meyer, Rene Pellaux, Ellis Whitehead, Sven Panke, and Martin Held June 21, 2016 Scientific Reports, (2016) London: Nature Publishing Group.
Identification and Characterisation of a pH-stable GFP
Aggregation of germlings is a major contributing factor towards mycelial heterogeneity of Streptomyces.
Zacchetti et al. May 31, 2016 Sci Rep. 2016 May 31;6:27045. doi: 10.1038/srep27045.
Aggregation of germlings is a major contributing factor towards mycelial heterogeneity of Streptomyces.
Optimization of a whole-cell biocatalyst by employing genetically encoded product sensors inside nanolitre reactors
Andreas Meyer¹,², René Pellaux¹,², Sébastien Potot³, Katja Becker¹, Hans-Peter Hohmann³, Sven Panke¹ & Martin Held¹ July 13, 2015 Nature Chemistry 7, 673–678 (2015) doi:10.1038/nchem.2301
View AbstractOptimization of a whole-cell biocatalyst by employing genetically encoded product sensors inside nanolitre reactors
1Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering, ETH Zurich, Basel 4058,
2FGen GmbH, Basel 4057, Switzerland
3DSM Nutritional Products, Kaiseraugst 4303, Switzerland
Sorting of Streptomyces Cell Pellets Using a Complex Object Parametric Analyzer and Sorter
Marloes L. C. Petrus¹, G. Jerre van Veluw², Han A. B. Wösten², Dennis Claessen¹ February 13, 2014 J. Vis. Exp. (84), e51178, doi:10.3791/51178 (2014).
View AbstractSorting of Streptomyces Cell Pellets Using a Complex Object Parametric Analyzer and Sorter
1)Microbial Biotechnology, Institute Biology Leiden, Leiden University, 2)Microbiology, Kluyver Centre for Genomics of Industrial Fermentation, Utrecht University
Analysis of two distinct mycelial populations in liquid-grown Streptomyces cultures using a flow cytometry-based proteomics approach.
van Veluw GJ, Petrus ML, Gubbens J, de Graaf R, de Jong IP, van Wezel GP, Wösten HA, Claessen D. October 16, 2012 Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2012 Oct 16. [Epub ahead of print]
View AbstractAnalysis of two distinct mycelial populations in liquid-grown Streptomyces cultures using a flow cytometry-based proteomics approach.
Department of Microbiology, Institute of Biomembranes, University of Utrecht, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
MARCEL WALSER May 31, 2010 DISS. ETH NO. 19176
ETH Zurich
Novel method for high-throughput colony PCR screening in nanoliter-reactors
Marcel Walser¹, Rene Pellaux¹, Andreas Meyer¹, Matthias Bechtold¹, Herve Vanderschuren², Richard Reinhardt³, Joseph Magyar4, Sven Panke¹ and Martin Held¹,* February 26, 2009 Nucl. Acids Res. (2009) 37 (8): e57/1-e57/8
View AbstractNovel method for high-throughput colony PCR screening in nanoliter-reactors
1) ETH Zurich, Institute of Process Engineering, BioProcess Laboratory (BPL), 2) ETH Zurich, Institute of Plant Science, Plant Biotechnology, Zurich, Switzerland, 3) Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Analytics & Computing, Berlin, Germany and 4) Harlan Laboratories Ltd., Environmental Safety and Metabolism, Itingen, Switzerland
Isolation of monoclonal microcarriers colonized by fluorescent E. coli
Walser M, Leibundgut RM, Pellaux R, Panke S, Held M. June 16, 2008 ETH Zurich, Institute of Process Engineering, BioProcess Laboratory, Universitätsstr. 6/CAB H88, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland.
View AbstractIsolation of monoclonal microcarriers colonized by fluorescent E. coli
Microencapsulation can be used for high-throughput (HT) processing of bacterial libraries. Ideally, each microcarrier would contain exactly one cell or colony. However, synthesis yields a mixture of capsules containing the desired one cell, multiple cells and empty microcarriers. E. coli cells expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) were encapsulated in 35 nl Hydrogel carriers. HT sorting procedures by a COAPS sorter were then used to enrich samples to 95% monoclonality.
Published Online: Jun 16 2008 2:41PM; DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.20597; Cytometry A. 2008 Sep;73(9):788-98.