COPAS Flow Cytometers
Measured Parameters
The number of parameters detected depends upon your COPAS model. Each instrument can simultaneously detect the following types of optical parameters:
- Optical density of the object or Optical Extinction, EXT
- Axial length or Time of Flight, TOF
- Fluorescense intensity for 3, 4 or 8 channels of Fluorescence
- Forward Scatter, FS, light
- Side Scatter, SS, light
The COPAS Vision instrument also uses an Imaging Camera to capture Bright Field Images of each object.
Using the FlowPilot-Pro Profiling Software, a number of signal locational and intensity parameters can also be collected for each object, or within a region of each object, such as:
- Signal Peak Width
- Signal Peak Height
- Signal Peak Location
- Number of Peaks
- Area of Signal Under Peaks
Sorting rates vary with the concentration of the sample and percentage of the total sample that is being dispensed, but can range up to 100,000 events per hour.