Small Multicellular Animals: C. elegans
C. elegans Sorting: Live v. Dead
High Throughput Screening and Sorting of Viable C. elegans From a Mixed Live and Dead Population (ANB-02)
C. elegans Sorting by Developmental Stage
Automated Detection and Sorting of C. elegans at Different Developmental Stages From a Mixed Population (ANB-03)
C. elegans Dual Color Sorting: ZsGreen and ZsYellow
Automated Analysis and Sorting of C. elegans from a Mixed ZsGreen and ZsYellow Expressing Populations (ANB-04)
C. elegans Automated Detection and Sorting of Living C. elegans from a Mixed ZsGreen and Propidium Iodide Labeled Population (ANB-05)Dual Color Sorting: ZsGreen and PI
Automated Detection and Sorting of Living C. elegans from a Mixed ZsGreen and Propidium Iodide Labeled Population (ANB-05)
C. elegans Dual Color Fluorescence Sorting
Automated Analysis and Sorting of Living C. elegans from a Mixed ZsYellow and Propidium Iodide Labeled Population (ANB-06)
C. elegans Green Color Fluorescence Sorting
Automated Analysis and Sorting of C. elegans from a Mixed Wild-type ZsGreen Expressing Populations (ANB-07)
COPAS™ Technical Note: C. elegans Survival Study
Effect of SYTOX® Staining and COPAS sorting on the Mean Survival of Wild-type C. elegans