Applications & Publications
Technical Notes
An Overview of COPAS ™ Large Particle Flow Cytometry for the Analysis and Sorting of Mouse, Rat, Pig and Human Pancreatic Islets (QTN-014)
Functional assessment of automatically sorted pancreatic islets using large particle flow cytometry.
Steffen A, Ludwig B, Krautz C, Bornstein S, Solimena M. September 01, 2011 Islets. 2011 Sep 1;3(5):267-70. Epub 2011 Sep 1.
View AbstractFunctional assessment of automatically sorted pancreatic islets using large particle flow cytometry.
Department of Medicine III; Technische Universität Dresden; Dresden, Germany.
Acute antibody-mediated complement activation mediates lysis of pancreatic islets cells and may cause tissue loss in clinical islet transplantation.
Tjernberg J, Ekdahl KN, Lambris JD, Korsgren O, Nilsson B. April 27, 2008 Transplantation. 2008 Apr 27;85(8):1193-9.
View AbstractAcute antibody-mediated complement activation mediates lysis of pancreatic islets cells and may cause tissue loss in clinical islet transplantation.
Department of Oncology, Rudbeck Laboratory, Uppsala, Sweden.
Validation of Large Particle Flow Cytometry for the Analysis and Sorting of Intact Pancreatic Islets.
Fernandez, Luis A.1; Hatch, Eric W.1; Armann, Barbara2; Odorico, Jon S.1; Hullett, Debra A.1; Sollinger, Hans W.1; Hanson, Matthew S.1 September 27, 2005 Transplantation. 80(6):729-737, September 27, 2005.
View AbstractValidation of Large Particle Flow Cytometry for the Analysis and Sorting of Intact Pancreatic Islets.
1) Department of Surgery, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI. 2) Department of Surgery, University of Leipzig, Germany